To begin with, last Saturday we had a fun ward activity. They did an ice cream in the park social. It was at a park that I'd never even heard of, now I plan on going back often. The afternoon was particularly nice for me because Ains pretty much played on her own and Owen is such a daddy's boy that he just wanted to hang out with John. Even when I tried to relieve John from swing duty Owen would want off the swings as soon as John left so that he could follow him around and be his little buddy. This left me childless for most of the activity and so I was able to sit and relax and talk...nice!
I think Ains loved the activity because 2 of the older girls in the ward that she idolizes let her tag along with them for a while. They are cool 2nd graders after all!
That night Ains and I went to help Syd get ready for the Prom. I can't believe my parents will be empty nesters in a matter of months! I helped her answer her date a couple of weeks ago. It was was just like I was in high school again. We answered him by tying a bunch of balloons to a string that we were going to attach to his door and let fly up so high in the air that you couldn't see them. Instead we encountered a barking dog, the balloons kept blowing into the tree in his front yard, there was much chaos and confusion, I ended up peeing my pants from laughing too hard for old time's sake (although I think that any pregnant woman who had to pee, was laughing hysterically, and had to crouch down behind some bushes would have done the same thing). It was an awesome night. One that I will never live down!
I just took this picture because I thought it was funny that this girl could barely fit in the front seat because her dress was so poofy. From what I hear Syd was the lucky one to help her go to the bathroom later.
Next we have mother's day. John had the kids make these awesome cement stepping stones for my garden with their hand prints on them. I think they turned out great!
On Monday night we had Ainsley's dance recital. She's been excited about it for weeks. The theme of the night was dances from around the world. She did a little China dance and the Mexican Hat Dance. Her costumes were adorable.
She really did a fabulous job. Although I wish her teacher put as much effort into making sure her dancers knew their dances as she did on the costumes. We keep sending Ains back to her because she's cheap...but I think if we want to keep going to dance we need to look for one that teaches a little more skill.
The following morning we had Ainsley's last preschool field trip. We went to the MK Nature Center. The kids had fun running along the paths, looking over the bridges, and watching the fish through the observation glass.
I can't believe she only has a week of preschool left. Kindergarten here we come!
And to top it all off...I've had our Stake's canner in my garage all week for people to stop by and can their food. The saddest part of this is that the main reason I checked out the canner and volunteered my garage (other than I should because that's my calling) was because I happened to see a message on facebook from the woman that had my calling over 2 years ago (and has yet to let it go) mentioning that she was going to try to get the canner for people in our ward to use. And because I'm completely sneaky in my rudeness and trying to prove a point, I called and reserved the canner that moment, put a message in the program, and sent out a ward wide email. How pathetic am I???? So, because of my hasty reaction, I have had 10-15 people come to my house this past week to can their food. It really hasn't been that bad. Although I feel obligated to help everyone that comes by. It just seems weird that I sit inside while someone is out working in my garage. So I've just had a week of canning. It did force us to clean out the garage though! So I can't complain.
I just hope that the gung-ho women that bought a WHOLE PALLET of cans (seriously, 450 cans, $400!!!) come and get them out of my garage by tomorrow...I'm ready to have my garage back.
What's surprising is that although it seems like we've had a lot going on lately, I really have had pleanty of time to sit on the couch and feel sick...weird!
I'm a little embarrassed to tell you how lost I feel without regular updates on your blog. Ainsley is adorable - and those outfits are so great! but not as great as the laugh I got when I read (and re-read) about you wetting your pants while answering a prom date. Too funny.
I love the part about you reserving the canner. HILARIOUS!! Sometimes you just have to do those kinds of things. And yeah, don't feel bad about peeing you pants, sneezing does it to me!
I love the stepping stones from the kids, how cute! Did the lady come get all her cans yet? If so, how long did it take her to fill them all!? I can't believe Syd is a senior! I remember her helping us clean when we moved out for the summer, and wondering why it was SO dusty behind my computer. She couldn't believe we hadn't cleaned back there. =) Does she keep her room clean and dusted now? Fun to help her answer her date. I loved that kind of stuff in high school. I laughed and laughed about you peeing your pants.
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