Friday, March 26, 2010

The Girlz got Skillz

Not to brag...but I'm totally going to brag! And I can do it without being prideful because what I am bragging about is due to no effort or skill on my part.

Ains is becoming an awesome reader. She has been for a while now. It's not because I taught her, or spent much time reading with her. I probably even did less than most parents do with their children in regards to teaching them to read. But somehow she just got it. She figured it out on her own and has become an incredible reader. I'm guessing she's reading on about a second grade level, only because she brings home some level 2 readers and those seem to be about on her level (slightly challenging but not so hard she can't get through the book on her own).
I have been volunteering in her classroom to help with a home reading program. Basically I just go listen to the kids read, check off their book, and then give them their next one. All the kids in the class are on beginning readers, you know the short vowel sound stories, etc. But Ains and one other boy in her class (who, according to Ainsley, is reading chapter books already) are allowed to choose any higher reader they want and then are working on comprehension as well. As I've read with all the kids in the class it's made me think my daughter is more awesome than I already thought.
Seriously, the girls a genius!


shellydinger said...

that's awesome! Smart and beautiful - you guys must have awesome genes. I think it's great that her teacher recognizes her ability and lets her choose her own books. Definitely brag worthy.

Elizabeth said...

Yeah!!! I'm sure it has SOMETHING to do with the teacher in you -- you taught her how to read really well without even knowing it because you're such an amazing're THAT good... I hope Davis likes to read even though I'm an accountant.

SD and EJ said...

What a smarty pants! I loved when we went to Boise and Ains always wanted to read to Ash. So cute. I guess she's the typical Dinger that loves to read. And she's probably the only kid in her class with a dad who, at some point, will probably try to cover one of her books with some crazy protective cover thing.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Ainsley! Reading is the best!!
