Monday, March 15, 2010

Here we go again

Last year around this time I overloaded the washer and flooded our hallway and front closet.

This year the toilet flooded and ran for a good 20 minutes before the water in the hallway was noticed. We currently have water in the hallway, living room and both kids' rooms. Not fun!

The same carpet repair guys have come back to our house. This is our 3rd time having them over. We're getting to be good friends. Disinfectant has been sprayed, carpets have been lifted, and fans are currently running. And we'll see our good friends again tomorrow...and probably the next day.

I have a feeling we're in for a few long days......

1 comment:

Alene said...

I'm sorry. In our old house the basement flooded several times with the same result--ripped up carpet, fans, etc. It's not fun. And it seems like it takes forever to dry.