Owen had his set of four month shots today (yes he is 7 months old but that is besides the point). When Ainsley used to get her shots it seemed like we took the day off. I would give her some
Tylenol and we wouldn't do much all day. Today right after Owen was pricked we went to the park so
Ains could play, ran an errand, and went about life as usual. He seemed fine most of the day but got a little grumpy this evening. As far as his check up went. He was only 30
th percentile for weight and 75
th percentile for height. A quote about a melon on a toothpick comes to mind. His height was right at 55%. So all in all a healthy kid, who doesn't sleep through the night. The doctor went through a list of things to try to get him to sleep, all of which we have already done. After a few questions about his sleep habits she decided that he just must legitimately be hungry during the night and needs fed......just what I wanted to hear.
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