Thursday, April 3, 2008


I've become concerned about Ainsley's hearing. It seems to be more than just selective hearing loss. Lately she seems to be completely deaf. I feel like I have to yell, loudly mind you, to get her attention. When I do get her attention she looks at me as if she isn't aware I've been calling her name several times. When I'm shopping with her and she runs ahead I call after her. She eventually stops and turns around, but not because I was yelling her name, because she finally realized she was alone. I can look right at her and be right next to her and still have to repeat what I say several times. It's all so bizarre and sudden. I have a few theories.

1. Her ear infection from a few months ago has left something in her ears that is making it hard for her to hear.

2. She has learned that constantly saying "What?" or else ignoring her mother drives her mother crazy and she gets some sort of satisfaction from driving her mother crazy.

3. She has been yelled at too much by her mother and is going deaf because of it.

4. Her father is such a naturally loud person she has become accustomed to high levels of noise and now expects it. (John isn't loud all the time, just some of the time...sorry John, but it's kind of true.)

I'm thinking number one is most likely, but you never know. I have been a slacker thus far and have not contacted the pediatrician to find out about hearing evaluations. Maybe that's what I should be doing with all my "free" time. Any suggestions?


Melanie said...

Definitely #4.

Dinger said...

I was worried about Maddie too at that age. The pediatrician has a very easy test to check the hearing. She will have to have one in order to get into Kindergarten anyway. If it's any consolataion, I think I am losing my hearing from my children. This past Wednesday thay played mom's favorite game. . .who can be the most quiet the longest. The winner gets a treat. We usually play this game in the car when I am at my whit's end.

Karalenn Hippen said...

Yah, just take her in. It is covered on insurance and will be piece of cake (unless she needs a major surgery- hahah jk) Anyway, it doesn't hurt to take her in right?

Val said...

I think Claire has the same problem with ignoring me! Seriously, though, the hearing tests are really easy. Her ears may just be full of fluid.