Today I went with my mom to the cannery to get some food. We both had green cards (a card you get when you work at the cannery so you can go back and buy stuff later with out working) and wanted to use them before they expire. We got to the cannery at about 9:30 this morning. We went that early because we had heard that you needed to be there early on the morning after their shipments arrive in order to get anything because they were selling out. Deep down I thought that must be an exaggeration. Surely people weren't that panicked about suddenly stocking up on THAT much food. I admit that I've decided to stock up on a few things due to rising prices of food, but I really haven't done that much. Well, I was wrong. When we arrived there weren't many people there...because there was NO food. Okay, there was a little food. But nothing that I wanted. Except for jam, and I wasn't about to use my green card just to get some cans of jam. Who ever heard of an
LDS cannery running out of wheat??? Not me! Now we either have to keep calling and wait until more shipments come in, or wait until this current state of
hysteria has died down. I'm thinking maybe the second option is best.
I've heard a lot about this food storage frenzy lately -- weird! Maybe I'll realize I should have been more into it when my family starves to death after the next natural disaster... or not.
Do you watch the news? There have actually been riots in Egypt and other places because there isn't enough food. And they are saying one of the main reasons is that we're turning all our corn into bio fuel instead of feeding people so prices are going up all over the world. (Thank you Al Gore!--Sorry to any AG fans out there.) So I wouldn't count on the frenzy going away very soon.
Jess, My parents are serving a mission in the cannery here and they said it is absoultely crazy! The same soon as a shipment comes in, it is gone. People are so hysterical. But you never know....a little extra food could really help you out in any situation...a world crisis or loss of job, or who knows what. Ok, there is my 2 cents. :)
We are the same way here too. I have thought about going to the cannery for weeks, but found out that they are out of most of the things I need. I have food storage, but I never feel like I am prepared enough.
It's really eerie to go to Walmart or costco and see them out of rice too... Liz
Just to clarify.....I'm not knockin' food storage....I just think the hysteria might be a bit dramatic. I have some food storage, I just think it's completely unrealistic to go out one day and decide that you are going to have your years supply in an instant. Prices of food will go up and, even if you have storage, you will have to pay the higher price eventually when you rotate your storage (buy what you eat right?). So while I think it's wise to build your food storage, I think it's crazy of people to freak out about food and try to stock up on everything at once.
And just to add to my credibility...the people at the cannery shared my opinion!!!! So there :)
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