Thursday, May 22, 2008

Going, Going, Gone!

We've been growing out bangs around here. I cut Ainsley's bangs when she was 2 because she wouldn't leave anything in her hair and I just couldn't stand her hair always being in her eyes. She has now let me know that she is old enough to leave in her hair clips and informed me a while ago that she no longer wanted bangs. So we've been letting them grow. We went from long and bushy...
To brushed aside (or any other way we could keep them out of her face). This phase also required incredible amounts of hairspray!
To finally being long enough to clip back. Unfortunately for Ains, this is all we will be able to do with her hair for months.


SD and EJ said...

Ains looks so cute with bangs, but I totally know how she feels. I got bangs cut the last time I got a hair cut and it was pretty much the hugest mistake ever. I don't think my hair has ever grown this slow in my entire life.

Val said...

Her hair always looks cute--with or without bangs. She is looking very mature these days!

Yanira said...

She looks so grown up without the bangs. I love her hair with or without the bangs.

shellydinger said...

I'm in the same phase with Hailey - I've been seconds from grabbing the kitchen scissors and just chopping her hair off! I still can't get over how cute her dance pictures are.

Anonymous said...

She looks really cute, either way. I am debating doing the same with my oldest, but I do really like her with bangs, so we are trying to decide if we want the hassle of growing them out. It's such a pain!!


Kohl said...

Life without bangs is the way to go! It is hard to deal with them as they grow, but it is totally worth it when you can pull them back. Ainsley looks so cute!

Colleen said...

so cute. she looks so grown up. she looks so proud. so sweet.