Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I am currently at war. I have been doing battle for over a week now. And while I have won small battles (I think) I have yet to win the war completely. Who am I so desperately fighting? Squash bugs. Yes, sad I know. I am desperately trying to save my zucchini plant from the bugs that decided to make it their home. My life has reached a pathetic level in the gardening department. So pathetic, that I have had multiple dreams about my zucchini plant. I think my obsession has reached extremes because the war has gone on for too long. When I first saw the bugs and the little rows of eggs a few of the leaves, I immediately saturated the plant with poison(seriously I dumped a ton of on, and I dumped it right on the bugs that dared to show themselves). I also took the leaves from the plant that had eggs on them and threw them away. I would have thought that that would have done the trick.

But every day I am devastated when I go outside and find another leaf or two with eggs on it! I have since sprayed the plant with bug and egg killer, and yet every day...more eggs! ( I seriously think that there would be hundreds of bugs in my zucchini plant if I wasn't killing off their young.) My poor zucchini plant will be out of leaves soon at this rate. Today I applied another round of powder poison. I don't know how any bug could survive the torture that I've given it. I'm determined to win. We're still getting zucchini, and I've heard that these bugs can destroy a plant in a few days...so I'm hoping I'm close to winning my war.


The Marshall Family said...

Good luck. I hate bugs on plants. Maybe you could just stop buying protein and count the bugs as your daily dose.

Aimee said...

YUCK!! I am going out right now to check my Zucchini plants.

Kohl said...

Everytime I pick a zucchini I find some baby squash bugs on it! I just keep killing them and they keep appearing! What a pain! Good luck saving your plant.