Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Bunch of Random Stuff (because none of it in and of itself is blogworthy)

Soooo, first of all, this is Owen's finished bowl of oatmeal from the other morning. Why so many spoons you ask? Well, that would be the question of the year my friends. I'm quite confused at his new obsession with baby spoons (he hasn't used one in a LONG time) and I'm even more mystified by the fact that he needs multiple spoons to complete his meals. Baffling.
We took the kids on bike ride on the Green Belt today. (For those of you not familiar with our area, the green belt is a massive bike path that runs through parks and for miles along the river.) I haven't been on a ride there since Jr. High or High School. It was a lot of fun, with only minimal fighting/whining from the kids!

John had to drive to Caldwell this past week to try a conflict of interest case. The defendant was a gang member who was being charged with a felony for stealing a burrito. Restitution was $3.29. The guy didn't show up so now there is a warrant out for his arrest. I haven't been able to think of the burrito thief with out cracking up since I was told about it.

I had my first official night of training on Friday. This is going to be a laid back and easy job. (Until the holidays hit, of course.) I got a free lip lacquer (an $18 value) just for working there. This job definitely has it's perks.
Ainsley heard me use the word possibly last week and has been trying to make it her own. She has yet to use it correctly. I love it when she throws in the word casually and then looks at me to see if she used it right.


Anonymous said...

Let me explain. When someone enters a building/home with the intent to commit a crime therein, it is a felony offense. This particular individual intended to steal something before he entered the store, thus he committed a felony. A felony is not something that is funny and should be mocked. It is serious business and I should be commended. Further, he is a gang member who is going to dodge a rape charge because the victim is to afraid to testify, so I am going to get him on the theft charge, get him on felony probation, and wait for him to violate probation so I can send him to prison, thereby keeping the state of Idaho safe. I consider myself a hero, not someone who should be mocked in a blog.


Aimee said...

LOL!!!!! When I read John's commment...I was crackin' up! John, I do have to agree with Jess that thinking of a burrito thief...does make me laugh! I just wish you could help keep the streets of SLC safe because I miss your wife! :)

Anonymous said...

Me too--wish you could keep the streets of SLC safe.

Anonymous said...

Me too--wish you could keep the streets of SLC safe.

The Marshall Family said...

Jessica, Burritos are a serious thing. You should not be laughing about it.

Elizabeth said...

I think I will laugh about the burrito thief the next 18 times I eat at Cafe Rio. But John, I am very proud of you for single-handedly protecting the good citizens of Idaho. Seriously.