Monday, September 1, 2008

Check. Check. Check.

I've recently checked 3 things off my to do list. Yay for me!!!

#1...We bought Owen a bed. John decided that he'd had enough of Owen sleeping on the floor and insisted we buy our son a mattress. I don't see what the big deal was, don't lots of kids have cute little beds like this on the floor?
I guess things were getting pretty bad. Bad enough that he refused to sleep in his crib at all. He wouldn't take a nap in his crib. One night when we had put him back in his crib after he had fallen asleep, he woke up at 1:30 demanding to be put back on the floor. This morning we found him sleeping UNDER his crib in the little drawer for his blankets. I can only imagine how uncomfortably he slept last night.
So, we did some shopping around and Owen is now sleeping in a big boy bed. Although he currently only has a big boy mattress (I'm headed out tomorrow to pick up a bunk board and a bed frame).
#2...I got our first batch of salsa made! Our garden provided a lot of what we needed.
Ains was a great help with the chopper.
She thought I looked funny in my salsa protective gear (I have a really hard time with chopping large quantaties of onions).
She also thought it was funny that I put baggies over my hands when I chopped and seeded the jalepenos. What can I say, salsa making is a pretty dangerous job.
We boiled.
We bottled, and now the salsa is done (unless I decide to do another batch).
#3...I finished Breaking Dawn. I'm still not sure how I liked it. It was a bit of a let down. What were your thoughts?


Sheri said...

OK, first - look at you being all industrious and making salsa. Second, Breaking Dawn - I was Ok with the book, but I am a Jacob fan, so my biggest complaint is she took his character from being his huge, hot blooded rival for Edward and turned him into, pardon the pun, a lap dog. I guess I'm glad he can be happy, but I would have liked some more tension there like in the previous books!

Aimee said...

Wow....look at you being all sexy in those great goggles!! :) That is awesome you made salsa...I should do that!

I loved the book...I loved how it started and how it ended!

SD and EJ said...

That salsa looks so good! I'm with Sheri...I've always been a Jacob fan and it was just too weird/easy having him be in love with the vampire baby instead of Bella. The honeymoon just kept going and going and I got really bored and the end was totally anticlimactic (look at me using big English major words) and nothing ever really happened. But overall, I liked it okay.

Dinger said...

I was afraid to admit my disappointment with the book until now. I still liked it quite a bit, but was hoping for more. Love the Salsa set up!!! I'll have to try goggles tomorrow.