Ainsley's actual birthday was on a Wednesday. So she got to go to mutual on her birthday. How cool is that? She had a combined birthday party with her friends the week before. Ainsley has a gang of 5 girls that she hangs out with at school. And four of them have birthdays between January 10th and January 20th. Weird right?! So the girls got together to celebrate all of their births.
The party was supposed to take place at our house...but unfortunately John and Emmie and I all had the worst flu that week. I think we are all still recovering. We were seriously near death. Luckily other moms were willing to step in and help. So Ainsley went off and had fun with her friends while we sat home and coughed and drank medicine and slept and watched TV. I have zero pictures but Ainsley came home all smiles so I think it was a success!
Happy Birthday Ainsley!