Friday, January 15, 2016

And then there was Halloween

A couple of notable things happened in October other that My drive across the country.  The most horrific being that I broke my pinky toe.  On October 13th to be exact.  And it still hasn't healed.  3 months later!  And I still can only wear 2 pairs of shoes that don't hurt.  Feel sorry for me please.

Also we celebrated Halloween.  It was a blast as usual.  The kids love pumpkin guts more and more each year.

We have a pumpkin in prison, Darth Vader, and our traditional pumpkin.
And for the big day we had a scary witch, a nerd, and Darla.  Because, oh ya, Ainsley got Braces!!!
 (she would kill me if she knew I posted this picture...but I think it's a keeper :)

And we also had a lot of candy.  That Ains couldn't eat. And I must note that this year Owen's trick-or-treating performance was stellar.  He went for hours with his friends and had a pillowcase half way full.  And I'm a bad mother because I think I let him eat most of it.


shellydinger said...

I'm SO glad that you are catching up. Ainsley wins for coolest costume this year!! I LOVE it.

SD and EJ said...

The costumes are awesome! I'm with Shelly, Ainsley's costume is the best!