Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Gang, And a Dance Recital

Emmie is lucky enough to have a group of the greatest little friends around.  Earlier this year I was emailed this picture of Emmie and her buddies on the playground at school.  These four girls do everything together.  They are all in the same class at school, they go to dance together every week, they go to church together, and when they aren't doing one of those things you can bet that they are playing at each others houses.  They play beautifully together and rarely argue.  But even when they do it's usually quickly resolved.....and almost always on their own!  A girl seriously couldn't ask for better little friends.
With that being said, Emmie and her gang had their dance recital in December.  They got to dance the part of the dolls in the Nutcracker.  They sure did look adorable!

And of course Emmie danced fabulously!  She was spot on.
I've actually been trying to convince Emmie that she could try other activities and branch out from dance.  But at this point she is convinced she wants to dance forever.  I guess only time will tell....

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