We are in a vicious cycle where Ainsley's bed time is concerned. It led to some hilarious antics on her part last night. Ainsley needs a good 12 hours of sleep to be happy all day long. When we turned the clocks forward we let Ainsley start having a little later bed time. It was lighter and it seems like there is stuff going on later in the summer and it's easier just to let her stay up later. For a while things were going great. She was staying up later and sleeping in, which I loved. Then I'm not quite sure what happened. I don't know if it was because she was sick for a few days a while ago or what, but now we are in bad sleeping mode. She started waking up earlier, around 7 or 7:30. (I know I shouldn't complain that that is earlier). Then around 2:00 or so in the afternoon she would be grouchy, get mad at me for some reason, and say she was going to bed. I would go in her room a while later to find her fast asleep and very difficult to awaken.
Yesterday at 2:00 she told me that she was done playing and wanted to take a nap. I was in the shower (it was cleaning day in my defense) so I said I don't care what you do. A while later I checked on her and sure enough, she was asleep. The break was nice though so I figured a short nap wouldn't hurt. I went to wake her up again a while later and finally bribed her out of bed with a pudding snack. She will do almost anything for pudding. Things were fine until about 8:30 last night when bedtime rolled around. She went to bed fine but was finding the most ridiculous things to get up for. She came out for the usuals, bathroom, get a drink, and then she had to get a little more creative. She made me come in her room because she had too many babies on her bed and needed me to move one, the wrong song was playing on her CD, there were 2 monsters playing in our backyard (a brown one and one with white over him for those of you who were wondering). And the best excuse yet...her bed was not soft enough. I got the final complaint around 10:00 as I was starting to get ready for bed. I sat her down on my bed and told her that her bed was softer than mine, she does have a pillow top after all. She said I was wrong because my bed had flowers and hers had buttons. Then in her last ditch attempt she started talking about dad's books, I was informed that he has a lot and can get books at the DI. With that I sent her to bed and luckily that was the last I heard from her. She did however still wake up at 7:30. No nap for her today.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
7:30 is early! Hailey wakes up at 8:00 and if she is up even 1/2 hour earlier it feels like she got up at 3:00 a.m. to me. Good luck getting the monsters out of your back yard.
Is "anonymous" James? He's hilarious.
I tell you, that 2- to 3- to 4-year-old age is SO tough as far as sleeping goes! They are so tired if they don't take a nap, but if they do take a nap it's usually later in the day, which means you'll be fighting them at bedtime! I've decided with Colin that my time to myself at night is just too precious to give up. So even if he is super grumpy, miserable, and exhausted -- no nap! Then I can put him to bed at 7:00! :)
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