Sunday, April 15, 2007

I can't handle this myself!!!

I wish I had a picture for this incident. It was to the point of time that we needed to start "really"getting ready for church. We don't go to church until 1:00 and it was about 12:00. I still needed to dry my hair and get ready so I asked John to go feed Owen some mashed banana and get Ains eating her lunch so we could get ready to go. I was happily drying my hair when a frantic John raced to the bathroom door and yelled, "COME OUT HERE, I CAN'T HANDLE THIS MYSELF!!!" I must say a look of fear was in his eye. I was a little annoyed and thought, how hard can feeding 2 kids be. So I finished the section of hair I was working on and when I turned the hairdryer off I heard "JESS!" being screamed like I have never heard my name screamed before.

I went out into the kitchen and found that Ainsley had tried to get the gallon of apple juice out of the fridge and onto the counter. Needless to say she dropped it, the lid broke, and apple juice had dumped all over the floor. When John had seen Ains drop the apple juice he set down the bananas that Owen was eating on Owen's tray. Needless to say again, Owen was thoroughly enjoying the bananas that had just been placed with in his reach.

It is always nice when things like this happen as it is time to get ready for church. We immediately started cleaning up and even had to pull out the fridge to get the juice from underneath it (I wish I hadn't been in a hurry so I could have given the floor back there the cleaning it deserved). Rugs and towels went into the washer, the floor was scrubbed and mopped. Owen was cleaned up. We finished getting ready for church. And the miracle of this story is that we left for church earlier than we usually do. This however did not get us there any earlier though because the road we usually take was closed. So moral of the story is...never let John make 2 kids lunch on his own. He just can't handle it.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love things like this because (I think) it makes your husband appreciate how much work really IS involved in being a stay-at-home mom.