Thursday, April 12, 2007

Stir fry for Dinner

Tonight we had stir fry for dinner. As you can tell by the first picture it is one of Ainsley's favorites. She does this really disgusting thing lately when she doesn't like food. She chews and chews until she has this yucky spitty mixture in her mouth and then she sloshes it around and squeezes it between her teeth (making John and I sick in the process) and then it gets so disgusting she cries until she spits it out. The deal tonight was that we were going to have popcorn while we watched the office (it is a way to keep Ains quiet while we watch our show) but she had to eat 10 bites of her dinner. I'm not sure if she ever made it because I got sick of waiting with her and I did the dishes. At one point I looked up and she was falling asleep at the table. That is what the second picture is of. Even though she might not have made it to 10 she still might get popcorn so we get a few quiet minutes. Good thing she still doesn't have a good concept of quanities past 4.

1 comment:

Arin Rohrbach said...

If my son doesn't like what I made he just starts throwing up! So he just eats a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My son throws a fit when we make stir fry too! Oh and I love the Office! It's hilarious.