The days events were as follows...
Wake up to a crying Owen an hour before he is due to wake up.
John is nice and checks on him for me in an attempt to give me a chance to shower.
Owen does sleep, I have time to get dressed and I actually got a little bit of scripture reading in before I hear crying again.
Ainsley wakes up and seems to be in a super good mood.
Super good mood doesn't last so long and there is soon a fight over the specially requested "stove oatmeal" that she is refusing to eat.
Drop girls off at preschool.
Do grocery shopping.
Owen goes down for a nap.
Sweep the floor.
Owen gets woken up from a nap in order to pick up girls from preschool.
Arrive at home and chaos begins.
More crying over lunch about oranges.
Sweep the floor.
Try to finish advent calendar.
Ains gets trapped under a cushion and more crying.
Owen gets in trouble for climbing on the table...more crying.
Snack time....for some reason more crying.
Sweep AND mop the floor.
Do the laundry.
Iron shirts.
Tell Ains to get off the computer...more crying.
Owen decides he's hungry...more crying.
Feed Owen dinner early.
Family eats dinner while Owen cries and throws bits of his roll at us (he got one in my glass).
Owen gets sick of throwing bread...more crying.
John volunteers to stick kids in bath which will guarantee what will seem like and eternity of "cry free" time!
Do dishes and sweep the floor. (Am I the only one that has to sweep after every meal or snack???)
Seriously, John is great about taking the kids at the end of a "cry" day. What a great dad!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Thank you. I think I need to print that off and stick it on my fridge. How the heck did Ains get stuck under a cushion?
Thank you. I think I need to print that off and stick it on my fridge. How the heck did Ains get stuck under a cushion?
Those crying days are so rough! We seem to have one of those days 2 or 3 times a week. I'm impressed you managed to get some housework done.
I am one who wants to sweep after every meal, but can't find the time. So good job. Hopefully you won't have another day like that for a while!
I too have to sweep (sometimes mop) after every meal. I can't stand to step on food on the floor. We also have those crying days. It is nice to know that I'm not the only one that has days like that.
I laughed and laughed as John was describing the day to me. Someday you will too.
What a fun day! BTW, I am a chronic sweeper as well. I got one of those Swiffer Sweep/Vac things with a coupon for about $10. LOVE it! It's so fast!
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