Friday, November 30, 2007

Something New

Today we did something that we haven't done yet as a family of four. We went to a restaurant! John has gone with the kids, I have gone with the kids, John and I have gone, but we've never gone as a group of four. I guess we just haven't because usually if we have money to go to dinner, John and I just go, and John and I almost never go. Another contributing factor to our lack of family dining out might also be that eating out with 2 little kids just doesn't sound all that appealing. Who wants a dinner out with kids when you can have a dinner out with out kids?

But today I was downtown with the kids at the discovery center (which was a ton of fun but I didn't get any pictures because I was with people that I didn't know very well and would have felt a little stupid) and we decided that we would take the opportunity to go to lunch with dad and visit his office. It was fun to get to do family stuff during the day, and the kids were even good at the restaurant (well, they were really good once the food came).

1 comment:

shellydinger said...

Yay for new adventures! I completely understand not wanting to take pictures, I'm the exact same way. (btw I love love love the playlist!)