Thursday, October 18, 2007

Binky Update

Owen has gone for 3 days now without a binky. Well, I guess I should say he's been almost binky free because one night he walked out of his room with a binky in his mouth and 2 in his hands (our guess is that they were hidden discreetly under his crib). John was good though and took them away. Owen was very sad but soon got over it after a little distraction. Owen has actually been happier during the days, goes to sleep at night just fine, but naps are still a struggle. He doesn't scream like he did the first day when I put him down, he just plays and then moans and yells and gets very little sleep. Maybe I should take this opportunity to take him down to one nap a day as well? Then we only notice the loss of the binky once a day. Good idea? No?