Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The end of and era???

Last night as we laid Owen down for bed we realized that we couldn't find any pacifiers. He laid in bed fussy for a minute while we searched and then he eventually fell asleep. We never found a pacifier. I guess that's because Owen is at the age where he likes to carry around several pacifiers and stash them in random places that for some reason make sense to him but make it virtually impossible for anyone to find them later. I know for a fact that there are currently 4 pacifiers hid in random nooks and crannies throughout the house.

This is very unfortunate for Owen. He didn't understand that going to sleep without a pacifier, in combination with hiding all remaining pacifiers, gave mom and dad the thumbs up for weaning from the binky. It has been a sad day for Owen. He is currently crying in his crib waiting for a pacifier that isn't coming. The fact that I don't have any to give him makes it easier not to cave. I'm wishing I would have gotten rid of them when he turned one. He wasn't nearly as addicted to them then as he is now. So as for now, Owen will probably have a rough couple of days. I refuse to give in though, why bother starting something if you're not going to finish? And he's only a few weeks younger than Ainsley was when her pacifier habit was licked. I'm just hoping he doesn't come across the lost pacifiers before I do!


shellydinger said...

I think about Hailey and her love of pacifiers all the time. I'll be calling you for support no doubt. The thought of getting rid of hers in a few months is unimaginable to me.

Lisa-Marie said...

We had already gotten rid of Sirri's binki before Connor came along. So, when baby brother had a paci Sirri began to miss hers. When Connor was in his car set with the pacifier clipped to his shirt Sirri would stick her head in the seat, lay it on Connor's chest and suck away. We knew that we either needed to give Sirri her bink back or take Connor's away. We took Connors away!!

Tough times huh?!?!

Karalenn Hippen said...

Oh Jess I'm worried he's going to find those. :0) That's so funny because when I was there just a few days ago there were 2 right on your microwave and he was holding one as he sat in his high chair. Good luck. Better tell Ainsley if she sees any not to tell him. Put her on a treasure hunt for them. That always works with my girls when I've lost something.

Kohl said...

Liam is still using his pacifier and he is almost 2! I just haven't wanted to give up my restful sleep at nights. We only use it for naps and bedtime, but he is so hooked on it that it is not going to be fun to take away. Good luck with Owen.