Monday, January 21, 2008

Ainsley's Fourth

Yesterday was Ainsley's fourth birthday. We worked hard all day Saturday to prepare for the big event. She wanted a purple princess party (actually at first she just wanted a butterfly party, but since I think it was just something she said, as opposed to something she is really interested in, we encouraged her to think about going a different route...hence, the purple princess party). On Saturday we (by we I mean I) got the balloons, decorated, and got different parts of the cake made so that I didn't have so much to do after church on Sunday.
I think she had a great day. During church she got Happy Happy Birthday Ainsley dear sung to her during primary since she was the only birthday. She got to go meet with the bishop after church and got a package of M&M's. When we got home from church we decorated her castle cake, got games ready, and then made pizza for dinner. That evening her cousins came over and we had a fun party (which I didn't get very many pictures of...I guess I just go to caught up in the fun of it all). Every one came dressed up, Ains dressed up like Snow White and Owen wore the little elf costume Merel gave Ains. He looked hilarious. We played the Princess and the Pea game. Where first I read them the princess and the pea story and then they had to take turns sitting on pillows laid out on the floor and decide which one had the pea (aka ball) under it. Then we played pass the wand (hot potato), and the last game was crown the princess. I had a friend from my ward come and draw an Aurora poster for me, which turned out awesome, and then we blind folded the kids and let them pin on the crown. Then we just did cake, presents, and let the kids play for a while.
She got some great presents. She was super excited to get a Belle stuffed doll from Maddie and Zachary because she had given one to a friend for her birthday and I think she had a hard time parting with it. In fact, Paige informed us that they were on a super good sale at the Disney store so we headed over there and today and let Ains buy herself another one with some of her birthday money. Owen also got to buy himself a stuffed prince and a cool cup with some belated birthday money. He got both for $5. So go to the Disney store and stock up! Ainsley also got more stuff for her doll house and now wants to play with it non stop. She also got tons of other great gifts, but not from her parents...we were a bit cheap this year! Okay, so we did get her a couple of things. We got her a new pair of shoes, Duck Tales DVD's, and an Aurora figurine set. I always feel like I need to do to much for her birthday and so this year I refrained and I bought less for her than I ever have, and yet, I think her birthday ended up being a really fun day. So I guess I need to learn my lesson.

One last thing.....
Yesterday I sat down and asked Ains some of her favorites just for fun. It will be fun in a few years to see how her answers will enjoy!
Ainsley's Favorites

Favorite food--Pizza
Favorite Color--Purple
Favorite Animal--Horsies
Favorite Princess--Sleeping Beauty
Best Friends--Abby, Ellie
Favorite Treat--Suckers,cake
Favorite Song--Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree, Sweet Caroline
Favorite Thing to Do--Play games like Candy Land and Cherry Game
Favorite Book--Angelina Ballerina


SD and EJ said...

We love Ains! Tell her happy birthday from me and EJ.

Anonymous said...

Good work on the cake -- you are quite the domestic diva. I never had such nice cakes at The Riv... Of course, I didn't live there in the summer, and that's when my birthday is....

shellydinger said...

Your cake looks amazing! Better than any store constructed cake I have ever seen. It sounds like quite the girly-girl party :)

Anonymous said...

I wish you guys lived closer.

Kohl said...

I can't believe Ains is already 4! Didn't you just have her yesterday? :)
Great Job on the cake. Will you make Gavin his Transformers cake in April? (I'm trying to figure out if that one is possible) :)