Thursday, January 31, 2008

A bunch of Sick-o's

People in this family rarely see the doctor....that was until yesterday. My doctor visit had to do with this...No those are not my legs, although my veins are nearly as pretty (I would have taken a picture but I am without a camera since I was a genius and left it at my mother's yesterday). I had scheduled an appointment with a vericose vein place here a while ago for a consultation on my HUGE vericose veins. I had my first HUGE vein/bulge stripped when I was 20, and now I'm affraid it is time for round two. Upon looking at my legs they decided to do an hour and a half ultra-sound! That's right....1 1/2 hours!!! I couldn't imagine an ultrasound taking that long, but it did. I found out that I have vein disease. I never even knew there was such a thing.

Apparantly, I have more than just ugly, swollen veins. I also have lots of blood flowing in the wrong direction that will cause problems if not taken care of. I must admit that it was kind of cool to see into my veins with the ultra-sound. The technician was nice and let me see most of what she was doing. It was a bit alarming when I could see things happening that shouldn't be, but still cool.

I really panicked when they had me stand on a platform for ten minutes with out shifting my weight and then showed me what my legs looked like. My left leg was slightly red with a few light spots on it, which I guess is considered normal. My right leg, however, was almost purple, had at least a dozen light spots (areas not receiving blood?), and measured 3/4 of and inch around larger than my left leg. I was also delighted to find out that my legs are really swollen, not just fat like I always thought. I'm just hoping that treatments will take care of that problem too. So now John and I will meet with the vascular surgeon on the 11th and decide what course to take. Fun!

After my appointment I picked up my kids from my mom's and noticed that Owen had green "discharge" coming out of both of these....

I just wiped it off and thought it was strange at first, but the awful "discharge"(for lack of a more pleasant word) just kept coming. We got home, and soon after Ainsley started screaming about these...
So with both of my children freaking out, I was trying to get a hold of a doctor or a nurse after hours, not an easy job. I finally spoke to a nurse who told me that Owen's eye's were most likely just a symptom in conjunction with his current cold. I was to give him some eye drops and let the "discharge" take it's course. Ainsley on the other hand needed attention. I was more concerned with her because last year we ignored her ear pain cries (she can be dramatic and sometimes it's hard to tell when she's being honest) and her eardrum burst during the night. At this point John, who was working late due to his trial today, rushed home to watch Owen so that I could run Ains to ann urgent care center down the street in an attempt to avoid emergency room fees, we'll see how we did when we get the bill. Ains did indeed had an ear infection so we headed off to Walmart to await our drugs.

I thought our medical mess was over until Owen woke up at 5:00 this morning. I tried and tried to get him back to sleep. At about 7:30 I finally turned a light on and noticed that his eyes were really red and swollen. I called the doctor's office as soon as is opened, and after an unpleasant exchange with the receptionist, I got a call from a nurse and we are headed to the doctors office shortly (I still don't believe that the soonest they could see me was 3:30 today). The nurse didn't seem to think that he had pink eye (please no!), so I guess we'll go get some sort of perscription and Owen's eyes will hopefully be back to normal soon!

So what I thought was going to be a boring two days turned out to be quite exciting. Because on top of all our medical issues, yesterday was a snow day, school was cancelled, I spent FOREVER shoveling our walks with two (come to find out, sick) kids, and I was on the phone all day with people wanting to buy my rocker from craigslist (It sold and is gone, by the way.) Whew! Super long post...finally over too!


The Marshall Family said...

Wow, that was exhausting just reading it, so I can't imagine how you feel! So after your leg thing is over we are going shopping for knee high boots for you! Hopefully everything goes well and they can help you.

Kohl said...

Whew! You deserve a break! I also felt tired just reading your entry. I sure hope Owen doesn't have pink eye. You'll know if it is when it spreads to you or Ains!:) Glad you found out about your leg problem now and not later when it is too late! By the way, take the night off or something, and just relax.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear you have been having more problems with vericose veins. I have to admit that I think of you when I hear the commercials for the vericose vein treatment centers here because I remember when you had your last vein stripped. I can't remember what you called the vein, only that you had given it a name like Biff or Hal or something. So creative. Have you named any of your new veins? Hope things go well for you. I wondered if you were all sick since you hadn't posted for a few days.

Val said...

Wow, I think I threw up a little bit reading about your vein problem. I hope you don't have to do anything too invasive to get that fixed! Ella had the green eye discharge often last year. It does go away eventually. Poor kids!

jessica said...

Liz, my last vein was named Eric. I thought it was a good name. I haven't named my new vein...maybe I should? I got a little sick when I read the procedure for how they get rid of the veins. I guess there's a reason I'm not a doctor. It really seems like it's not a big deal, just a pain.