Thursday, September 13, 2007

Guess what I did today???

It only took about 800 hours of trial and error and the slightest bit of neglecting my children and the laundry!


shellydinger said...

It looks great! I can't wait to figure out how to make-over mine.

Karalenn Hippen said...

woowoo. Look at you. :) It looks great.

The Marshall Family said...

I love it. Tell me how you did it. I tried to do something better for mine and I could never figure it out!

Lisa-Marie said...


I love the banner. How did you do that? Is there a site you can go to? I'd love to know. OR since you're the pro you can just do mine. hee hee. Too bad I don't live in Boise. I like to paint. I'd make you a trade!