Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What is wrong with this family???

Our house is infested with disease! And I have proof! Check out all of the medications that have found a permanent home on our kitchen counter.
Yesterday John came home from work early because his throat was hurting so badly. He felt awful all night and was in bed by 8:00. What was funny to me though, was that he got up at 6:00 this morning because he was done sleeping and got ready for work. I looked at him when he came out of the bathroom and just said, "Are you serious?!" It didn't take me long to convince him that he wasn't going to work, and instead he got back in bed and slept until his doctors appointment at 10:00. So now he in on an antibiotic for strep and I'm starting to have the strep feeling on one side of my throat. I might have to borrow a few pills because our doctor visit quota has been met for the year (and it's only February!). We have all visited the doctor in less than a week, and I have to go back for a meeting with the vascular surgeon on Friday. I'm slowly seeing all of the money I wanted to put into house projects going towards medical bills....I really hate that!

On a happier note................I have my camera back!!! So here are a few pictures from last week when Syd and Ains made a snowman at my parents. The snowmen just never seem to end this year. We got another few inches last night. I'm getting really good at shoveling the walks. I guess I have been deemed the family snow shoveler since I seem to be the one doing the bulk of it.


The Marshall Family said...

That's how it seems to be in our house too, a huge concentration of dr visits in a row... and then you get the bill :(

SD and EJ said...

When is Ains (and you, John and Owen) coming to visit me?!

Kohl said...

I hear ya with all the snow shoveling. I am so sick of it. It seems like we have had snow so often that shoveling has become a part of my morning routine. I wish it was April! :)

Anonymous said...

I wish it were April too... (April 16th, to be exact)

Anonymous said...

Yeh, when are you coming to visit. After all, don't you want to know what Steph's apartment looks like?

Val said...

I feel so bad that you guys have been so sick. I have nothing to complain about knowing what you guys are going through. Hope you all feel better soon!