We are now officially a family of charts. The last time I diligently used a chart was when I was potty training Ains. I decided to break out the charts Sunday night when I was at my wits end and ready to pull my hair out due to the annoyances of my oldest child. Sunday afternoon she got the bulk of her toys taken away as a result of her disobedience and whining and complaining. A person can only take so much. Ainsley has really been testing her limits lately and has an excuse for everything. It doesn't matter what the task is she comes up with a reason that she can't do it. The most popular excuse is, "I have a headache!" She even used that excuse when my mom asked her what she learned in nursery on Sunday for being her reason she couldn't talk about it.
We are now on day 2 of chart usage. Ainsley now has 3 chores; make bed, get dressed, and pick up toys. So far she has done well. For each day that she does her chores she gets to chose one of her toy containers back. She also is trying to earn a movie outing with me. She has to hop her frog about 24 spaces. She earns hops by doing what she is asked the first time and being nice/sharing with Owen. She is doing alright so far. I'm desperate that this will improve her behavior. Hopefully soon we will have a much happier mother and daughter that get along instead of argue all day.
Did you come up with the charts yourself? Or did you get them from somewhere?
I got them off the internet. You should check out the ideadoor.com it's an lds site and has good stuff.
I have tried to use charts with Gavin. It sort of works at first, but usually gets forgotten. I like your charts better, and you gave me some ideas as far as what to work on with Gavin! Thanks!
Russ and I tried charts to help us with our New Years resolutions. But it didn't motivate us; instead it just made us look totally lame with so many empty squares. We quit marking them in March because it was too depressing. Now we have given up on our resolutions altogether (but we have a record of it!).
John grew up with charts, too. Job charts, reading charts, you name it, we had a chart for it.
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