Yesterday Ainsley's tattling reached a new level. Her tattling began a few months ago when she was getting picked on and John told her that she needed to tell mom or dad if someone was hurting her. You would think this was a legitimate thing for a parent to tell a child. Unfortunately this was the beginning of Ainsley's tattling. She started telling on everyone about everything. We would hear about every little teeny tiny thing that didn't go precisely how Ainsley thoughts it should be going (okay that might be a bit of an exaggeration but some days it feels like that).
At a certain point I finally told Ainsley that I wouldn't listen to her tattling. This did not sit well with her. Her solution...tell the mother of the child misbehaving. For example, if child "A" was swinging on a swing that Ainsley felt it was her turn to swing on, Ainsley would tell child "A's" mother exactly what was going on. If I were to try and stop her she would then inform me that she was not talking to me. I'm still not sure how to get her to stop being the tattle tale.
I thought she was getting a little better because I haven't heard much tattling lately. Apparently I was wrong because yesterday I thought I was going to die laughing as she told on grandpa to grandma. We were enjoying the sun and swimming with my family. My dad was teasing the kids (splashing, chasing, etc.). At one point he took a toy or a ball or something that Ainsley had to tease her. Ainsley got very upset and went over to Grandma and informed her of what Grandpa was doing. I guess even children of that age realize who is the boss.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
1 comment:
Hey, if you figure this out, let me know... We've got the same issue with Quinn. Sometimes I appreciate her letting me know what's going on, and other times IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! :)
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